Is your site responsive and smartphone and tablet ready?

Get more visitors, with smartphone and tablet-enabled websites.

Until a few years ago everyone knew what a computer must look like in order to be able to surf the Internet, go to websites and search for information.

I agree, even today we visit many websites and search for information that interests us. But it is a little differently now a days, I have noticed.

Today we talk with our smartphones, wipe our tablets back and forth, ask specific questions such as. What is the weather tomorrow? Or where is the nearest Chinese restaurant? etc.

Why is that?

We humans are naturally lazy and very comfortable, we want to get to our destination in the shortest possible time and without much effort, or receive information we were looking for immediately.

You’re probably wondering, what does this all have to do with your website?

In fact, nothing, your page stays the way it is, the only reason or the problem is that your website is showing less or almost no longer in Google results. It’s almost as if you did not have a website if it was found by anyone. It is also no secret that Google and other search engines that are there, focus more on usability.

This means that Google wants us to deliver the exact results in the fastest and easiest way possible.

You’ve probably already opened such a page on the smartphone and found that the font is much too small, the menu is so tiny that it cannot be properly selected with your finger, etc.

It gets even worse if you keep scrolling and zooming in and out to see anything on the website.

Let’s face it, that’s no fun, right?

Today’s statistics show that more than 75% of people using smartphones and tablets are surfing the internet, shopping online and booking vacations.

I hope my short post has motivated you to check your website more closely and eliminate potential vulnerabilities. This will automatically reach more visitors and potential customers on your website.